
You Couldn't Keep It To Yourself

Sooo... I am looking at it like this. Barbara Walters kept her mouth shut for... not days... not months... not even just years, but decades man! Decades!! No one has passed (adultress nor adulter that is..) but her momma yet she felt the need now to unload her conscience? Now when you can capitalize on the sensationalism of it?

Does she talk to ol boy about it? Naw.. reportedly she sends a message telling him its going to be in her book in the next week or so. Tough ish, deal with it.

Now.. my man could have capitalized on having continuously shtooked BW... BW!! He could have gotten some money off that in the 80's or 90's heck.. even when The View started.. “I had an affair with the then unknown Barbara Walters.” Think of the headlines? Think of the warm water BW would have been in.

Naw.. he kept it quiet.

Saved her reputation.

The former Senator even wrote and released his own memoirs in 2006. Not a mention of it in there according to the Associated Press article.

This here... naw.. this was low.

Why not describe your favorite positions? Favorite places you had sex...hell.. make up that you had sex in an alley with an ex-hubby. I understand scandal sells. You don't admit to having an affair when the fool is still alive many years later. That train left a while ago. Thank you BW, o’ queen of morality.

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