
The Mavs have just lost!! Come fishing with my Lakers. Thank you, thank you. I do love it. I am currently on the phone with Pickle talking about the Amazing Adventure. I love being on CDT and talking to her about things I missed on prime time. She suggested I write this blog thingy, so here it is. Ja in 7 days. Ocho Rios. The sand. The sun. Mmm... My birthday. Right now I am pissed at the company I went through for the reservations. It seems transfers are not included in the price I received. So I am shopping for that little bit and looking for a way to seat this processor. I am building a computer and it's turning into a mightmare for me. why couldn't all computers be Mac? I wish I could write better. I wish I had a recorder for Pickle's questions. "You know what, I can't wait until i get a yeast infection so I can try out this new medicine." She is taling about why there are commercials for yeast infection meds on tv. Sigh.. I just know it is not the most appetizing thought when digging into some steak and mashed potatoes. Maxwell is playing now.. not what you need when you're alone on a Sunday night before work.. okie, Wed is normally my Sunday. Rum punch.. can't wait... Headed to bed. Enough rambling for one night

Song of the day: Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd
Next movie to watch: Nemo and The Italian Job


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