
At the Texas Relays in Austin Posted by Hello


At the Texas Relays in 2002. I just liked the cap, never attended. Posted by Hello


An interesting 48hrs.

Netflix has provided me with an interesting glimpse into England… Great Britain I should say. I sat in awe as I watched Bloody Sunday. It is the documentary style telling of the events in Derry, Ireland on January 30th, 1972. While the event speaks for it’s self, I can only draw my conclusions from what I have read and watched in the account given by the film. To say it was a shock in an understatement. The great and just British government allowed this incident to happen without at least a reprimand or an apology to the families of the injured and dead. As one who was just there and listening to the various American injustices, this came as a huge surprise. U2’s Sunday, Bloody Sunday had always been a nice peaceful song to me. The true words behind it, behind the phrase never really were clear to me. The reasoning behind what happened, I understand. The infamous IRA (which I do not downplay in the least) had recently been accosting police and the military was sent in to quell this. What I can’t understand is how you can have a hatred for your fellow man to actually shoot them down in cold blood and unarmed. I felt a huge pain as the credits began to roll and the familiar strands of the song came on. Then, the names are read off of the dead and their ages. It really solidified it for me. The British government.

So I took this little gem and threw it into the local post office box and opened another set of offerings. Among the films was a documentary on Sir Winston Churchill. The wartime (World War II) prime minister of Britain is a very interesting and intriguing figure in history. Revered internationally as a strong leader, I never really had a chance to learn about him in school beyond his title. So eagerly opened this one in hopes of enlightening me. The first thing I noticed was this: 180minutes. Ish!! I thought this would be a quick hour-long documentary. I hate long films. So I put it on and started it before I was due at work. Needless to say, I was a little late. I will say this is a favorable documentary of the man, but they did point out his faults, his blunders and his memories attempt at re-writing history to remove any blame on himself… like DubYah. They quote Churchill as haven once stated “history will smile nicely upon him” and this film did exactly that in some cases. His domestic policies during the war were left to his brilliant speeches and his fights with Parliament. Otherwise, we are treated to his war thoughts and fears about Britain’s future in the world after the war. Make no bones about it the man had visions of grandeur and adored the spotlight. The film shows this as a re-occurring characteristic. The other thing the film shows is the humanity of the man who wanted to be great. He made huge mistakes and that prevented his great visions from being taken seriously. He foresaw the rise of the Nazi’s and the later effects of not dealing with the Soviets during and shortly after WWII. It showed me a bit of Britannia and some of the struggles of the war we never dealt with in the States. So my opinion is a little better of these islanders. The British government still sucks.

Who Am I?

I have my friends, but I rarely ask them what they think of me. Honestly, I would like for people to like me as I am. However, if people aren’t impressed or don’t care for my thoughts/feelings, I don’t let it get to me. That I should care what others think about me that I should worry about how others see me. I shall not do. Why? Why bother? If my love of Godzilla movies bothers people, so what? If I talk about sex too much, don’t talk to me. If I cheer for the wrong team, get over it. If you don’t care for me as much as I care for you, why should I let that affect our friendship/relationship? I believe too much is made of worrying about what other shall and will think about your thoughts, your actions, and your feelings. When I sign my name, it says Jamal, not saint J or the perfect one. I am human. As imperfect as they come. I don’t call myself by the titles of Christian, Catholic, best man, perfection or otherwise. When I pass away, I just want to remembered as a good friend. Someone who cared for those around him.

Movie Suggestion: Bloody Sunday

Song Of the moment: Peter Tosh – I Am That I Am


The Lure of TV
I am missing my laptop right now. This one for work should be just that. I have found the convenience of having a computer in front of the TV. Very nice. So I neglect my desktops in favor of my laptops and a weathered metal frame futon.

Dayum, You Want HOW MUCH??

1.89 for unleaded here. 2.49 in California. At least 15,000 civilians have died in an invasion in Iraq and we are going to end up with another four years of this mess. Yes, I said it, another four years. I liken Bush to a bad relationship. It's bad, and you know things are bad, but you stick with it because you are scared of change. Bush has not done anything to really be that "final straw". That one thing that finally makes one say enough is enough, we need a change. Oh, we liberals can scream about alienation from other countries and a huge military exercise which seems to get worse and worse as the days go by, but this may not be enough for the fence sitters. Kerry doesn't really seem to inspire. Maybe he is saving it for the fall. I liked Dean for his fieriness and for being the only to stand up and honestly say we have no business in Iraq and need to pull out. Kerry won't do that. So this bad relationship will continue...

Iragi's Don't Really Matter
Humanity states we can not kill or torture murders, rapists, pedofiles or otherwise within the US. To even suggest such a thing draws the ire of others. So why is it now ok to say abuse of the prisoners in Irag, Afghanistan and even Cuba is ok? Within the past two weeks, I have heard several members of Congress try to condone the actions of soldiers who have abused prisoners. POW's? Uh uh, sorry, this isn't a war. Regardless, there are still international laws to be followed. Human decency. We will never get to the bottom of this. The military is a brotherhood. You have to protect your people. But why did it take some damning photos to get the brought out into the public eye? These allegations have been floating around since the first prisoners were brought to Cuba. Remember those rumors... So why does this all come as a surprise to people? We have men and women in another country who have little to no experience with colonialism. They don't know how to intermingle with the civilians nor do they probably want to. More importantly, I doubt there is training on how to properly maintain a prison unless you are an MP of some sort. If the shit they did ever happened in a US prison, you bet some heads would roll. Instead, Congressmen are openly asking why should we treat these murders as humans. Tell me this Congressman, were any Iraqis in the planes on 9/11/2001??

Movie Suggestion: Run Lola Run
Song of The Day: Peter Tosh - Equal Rights


Am I Metro?

Decleor. No man in his right mind should know anything about this name. Essential oils? Eye contour crème? Special shampoos and conditioners? Real men don’t know of such things. Okie, I mean a man’s man doesn’t do this. Yet there is a category for such a man who walks that fine line between being considered a homosexual (because the stereotype is they take extremely good care of their looks) and a heterosexual (these men feel mirrors are for posing in front of in the morning and brushing their teeth). These men are called metrosexuals. I seem to have been bestowed the title of being one.

Mind you, I am balding and shave my head, but I do spend a little time in front of my reflection. I don’t pour over ever pore on my upper torso. The greys I could take or leave… except in the chest. That ain’t cute. I don’t stare at my shaved head and think about getting a wax or pluck eyebrows. No eyelash curling (this ish is natural… gotta luv me). Nope.

It’s those eye wrinkles, the puffy eyes and oily skin to dry skin thing. That’s what I look at. Now make-up is not an option. I do work at trying to make this things go away or at least lessen until I get to my 40’s or 50’s. It stems from a mild case of acne in my teens in which it was pounded into me I needed to take care of my face. Girls won’t talk to you if you pimples all over your face is what my father used to tell me. He didn’t mention the other little things like being too thin or wearing better clothes, but that’s another issue.

Then, my move to Fort Worth after high school had a subtle, but lasting effect. My grandfather was a sharp dresser in his time. Not pimp sharp, but business sharp. Creases and the whole nine. He tried to instill some of the values of looking decent, but my time in Austin had given me a slacker look with the balding in full effect at the time and wrinkled clothes to match.

One failed relationship a move back to Austin, another failed relationship later, and I began to take notice of things. I worked around people who were twice to more than twice my age. Some of the ones who were less than that (late 30’s) have wrinkles around their eyes. I later learned it was from their smoking, but it helped them look years older than they truly were. I didn’t want that. So how to fix that problem. Don’t smoke of course.

Then came the lines under the eyes of non-smokers. How does that work? I wasn’t about to run out and grab Oil of Olay. That just seemed wrong. In quiet talks with various women, I began learning of products. It’s not vanity, I just don’t like wrinkles on me yet. Grey adds character, I think. I was going to add glasses and re thought that one. I was just dying to get peach when I was a pre-teen. Now I have this coarse assed beard that starts re-growth shortly after a good shave. So the glasses thing… I’ll hold off on that one.

The manicures and pedicures are coming. As soon as my car is paid off, you’d better believe I’ll hit the school once a month. Yeah, the school, they hook it up for much cheaper than a salon. Besides, I don’t need perfection. I just want to wear sandals without being ashamed of my toes. My nails I won’t even discuss. Facials? Never had one. I toss on a few scrubs or make up removing soaps to get rid of the dead skin. Oils to moisturize and help get rid of the ashy look. Trim the goatee, nose hairs and try to get more sleep to get rid of the little bags. That’s it.

Am I really metro?


Obviously, not every mystery is going to be a Hitchcock-ish masterpiece. Along the same lines is it too much to expect a mystery to at least somewhat keep you guessing throughout until the end? Twisted is not that movie. Ashley Judd costars with Samuel L. and Andy Garcia in a police thriller. Someone is killing off men Judd’s character comes into contact with and putting her new job at stake as homicide detective.

The performances were good with Jackson coming off well as a nurturing foster father for Judd’s character as well as Garcia, the mysterious cop who everyone is leery of. The story itself is where the issue lies. I would like for a movie to not expose it’s self within the first 45 mins to an hour of watching it. Keep me guessing. I sat through Gosford Park and was left guessing what really happened up until the ending of that film. Of course, a friend of mine watched and she figured out who did what in the first 10 minutes, but that’s another story. Given a few minutes with this offering and I am sure would become an instant snooze fest.

I liken what this film did to a person who has exposed themselves and then tries to convince those around they didn’t see what they thought did. The rest of the film is spent trying to through you off with a twist here and a turn there. I hope the dvd … I wish the powers that be would stop worrying about “us” (the general public) and how long the movies should/shouldn’t be. I don’t like having to wait for the dvd to come out to see the deleted scenes that may have added more character or better explain the story. Also, if the deleted scenes are included, give me a version in which the deleted scenes are integrated rather than me trying to imagine how part “x” would have fit. Okie, I hope the dvd has added scenes, which make this a tighter movie. The only thing “twisted” about this film was my facial expression when I left the theatre. I give this a matinee rating.

A little while ago, I was turned onto British dramas. I had already been a fan of the comedies, but never really paid much attention to the dramas. They seemed too staunch and tight lipped. All of them seem to look as though they were filmed in the 70-80’s. Thus, when it was suggested I take a look at Suspect, I balked at the idea. Yet another police show. I have to admit, I am a Helen Mirer fan. My Netflix account is full of her work now. I watched the first season in disbelief as it takes you into the inner-workings of a British police station and the chauvenism within a male dominated department. I liked that this show walked you through the case instead of showing you everything up front and allowing you to watch the police fumble their way through until they miraculously pull it together in the end. Not at all. This show only shows you what it wants you to see and allows you to make the discoveries along with the police. Now, you will know who the killer is within the first few moments. It’s not perfect. What you do get/receive is the manner in which the police have to go about putting together the evidence to nail their suspect.

Season One was my introduction to the “ball busting” hard-nosed detective Mirer plays. She’s ice cold outwardly, but quietly caring. She just wants the lads to accept and respect her as a detective, not just a female. She is driven and occasionally steps on some toes to get what she wants. What matters is she gets results. This first is the introduction. It was pretty darn good. A serial killer loose in Britain. However, it is the second season, which struck me. Colin Salmon co-stars in the installment as a Black Sergeant Detective who is assigned to work with Mirer’s troupe on a racially sensitive case. Racism plays a major role along with the normal sexism associated with this show. This time.. ahh.. this time, we may NOT know exactly who the suspect is. This time, we do follow around Mirer on her investigation and the various discoveries. The question in this installment is less of a who done-it, but what do they know?
I had a dream last night. I was at a theatre and there was time between shows. I decided to pop out into the deserted mall to find a place to get a bite to eat. There was a hamburger stand open. A flame-broiled piece of meat was about to be served to me lathered with mayo and cheese, with a side of fries and a shake?? I was set. All I needed to do was sign the credit card slip and it was on. Declined. That was the response from their little machine. I was declined. My burger was taken away and the person behind the counter gave me an apologetic look since I didn’t have any cash on me.

It will be a cold day in hell before I lift an eyebrow to JT. I am not sure what the details are behind the stunt he and Janet had for the Super Bowl halftime, (see, who’s still talking about this dead horse anyway??) but I have to say I am unimpressed with his actions in the following days. He first reportedly laughed it off, yet turned around and sincerely apologized under mounting pressure. Fine. Why turn around on the Grammy Awards and apologize again? At some point a person needs to make a stand. To apologize again just to be able to perform at this year’s Grammy’s is weak. What one is saying is to me is it is not worth sticking to your principles. Janet didn’t bow to the arrogance of CBS and issue another apology. That it has cost her at least one movie opportunity (Lena Horne.. please…) and a television appearance is unfortunate. One should not have to sell their soul to recover from a mistake.

Where is Osma Bin Hiding? There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Hussein is gone. The Iraqi’s should be able to elect the govt they want.. without the assistance of American tax dollars nor military. Are we still threatened by terrorists from Iraq? Wait.. the Sept 11th terrorists were primarily Saudi. Mmm.. our ally. Gas prices are high. Are the oilfields we’re protecting still in trouble? Why am I not paying less now? Why do I feel less secure since our militia built up and deployed overseas? Why are they still there? Is the Iraqi army just waiting in the sand for them to leave so they may re-take the throne for.. Saddam?? Do we really have him? If so, why are we still there? We? Sorry, our soldiers. Janet’s breast is really an outrage compared to the money Iraq is draining from this country. Education president? Where is he?

Song Of The Day: I Ain’t No Joke – Eric B. & Rakim
Netflix Suggestion: Cracker (series I & II)


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