It’s been a minute. Things have happened. Where do I start??
For Or Against
I have a co-worker who spars with me on political issues from time to time. He is of the mindset a country is either For or Against the US. Hmm.. so there is no middle ground? Can’t disagree on a small issue like Iraq or prisoner abuse? Have to see it all the same way as the US dictates? He nodded and I in turn asked him if because of our political differences, I was against him in all aspects of life and should cast him as a non-supporter? He never did answer.
Early Bird My Ass
Where I live, it has warmed up to the point of allowing the windows to be left open at night. It’s a nice time to air out and feel some fresh air at night… if you don’t suffer from allergies. Another issue for another time. This past evening saw my still jet lagged tail fall asleep around 9p. A little traffic flew by on the near by highway. Not enough to explain what happened at 5a. Chirps. A ton of them. Bloody things were right outside my window chirping away like they had no sense. It was still dark! Just as happy as could be and they continued this racket. I thought about closing the window, but I think that wouldn’t do a thing. In my bedroom, I was still bound to hear them. There are fake owls atop the building of my complex. I am considering putting one outside my window with a fake snake or two draped around it. I just like to get my sleep. Some may feel these birds are the welcomed sign of spring. That’s nice. I think I like winter better after all.